Go Ask Alice*-The Search For An Effective Therapist

Go Ask Alice*-The Search For An Effective Therapist

“The challenge of accountability, the managed-care meteor hurtling toward Planet Therapy, has created the opportunity to change the prevailing orthodoxy of psychotherapy” (Duncan & Miller, 2000, p.65) Sept. 2000** Over the past 40 years research into therapy...
Missing Page From DSM Discovered!

Missing Page From DSM Discovered!

Person Taxonomy Disorder (PTD) is a condition which affects many professionals but it seems to be particularly prevalent within the mental health field. The major characteristic is an assumption of intellectual or moral correctness or superiority frequently held in...
Talk of Miracles

Talk of Miracles

In the year 2000 when this blog was first published, a directory of counselors and psychotherapists in New Zealand listed only one practitioner identified as offering Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT).  As the directory listed over 300 practitioners in private...